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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Last night, all my documents on Home Econ all GONE. I cry sia. So late liao then finally finish then GONE. lolol. Lucky my brother willing to help me then i go sleep. lolol.

TOday Home Econs, very LUCKY. Phew!
Literature, got test sia. Then Mable Soh nvr tell us. What de la. But okay la the test. Hmm. Hope i Pass!
Recess, ate Nasi Lemak.
Art. Melissa went toilet through and fro. First time, went to check. Second was Yiling. Did the 'touch up' of our flowers Then, i SLEPT. Hug the bear Gao FengFeng actually wanted to give Yiling. Hug it and really fall asleep loh. So nice to sleep. I was waken up a few times from Yiling, Chloe and MeiCHi's voice, saying: BIBINA! lolols.
Maths, got back my test. One more pathetic mark to A! ARRGH! One pathetic careles mistake also. Cos of my stupid calculator! If not i can get 20/24 le. ARRGH! WHAT DE! Then got the next test. HOPE I PASS TOO!
Music, was lying on MeiChi lap then Melissa ly on Yiling's. hahahas. We were siaos. hahahas.
Assembly, the boy singing Would YOu be There was HILARIOUS. lolol. After assembly, That Ten Teck Hock go call sec 1 stay back. Then say those he call de Name nve go IT lesson de he will SETTLE with them. Then he call me and Melissa name la! Everyone was like, helping me say: she got go lor! But that Tan Teck hock still ask me go. WTF. I got go lor. Then i was like, laughing but i wna cry liao la. OMG. I so scared kana detention or suspention la. Then even Yiling and MeiChi went to tcher and help us tell him HE STILL DUN BELIEVE. WTF. Then after all the calling names la, he say: those who insisted that they got go on Monday, come see me now. He haven say finish ar, i stand up and walk to him liao. Then somemore he say: Okay. this time i TRUST you. WTF. TRUST? Its true la. I blow mann! Stupid TanTeckHock. Went down. I was scolding with Melissa. I cried lor, not no tears fall out, just inside. Went for Oral. Then, went Yiling's hse for project work. Today, her hse damn crowded. hahas. Went to have sushi after discussing. CHEAP la. hahas. Then the boss there damn funny. hahaha. Went to the swing to play. Then went back Yiling hse. The brother damn cute la! hahaha. Played 'SQUAT' with the brother's toy robot or what tinggy. Then went home. Happy moments in Yiling hse today =D

For me, today's a random blog. lols.

sweetness of love-
5:13 AM

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today, Mr Salahudeen not here. woohooo! Had test in class. Okay la, quite easy. Aiming for full marks! Wish me luck! THen, we had free time. KeQin they all and Me, Melissa, Yiling they all were bickering about some confidential stuff. We took challenge from him, we started discussing.
Maths, tml test sia! I still dunno what is general term! ARRGH! Wish i pass tml or else im DOOM!
Recess, we discussed again. Was eating MEE REBUS AGAIN! wahahahas. HOT. SPICY. Yiling say my face whole thing red. hahas. Damn spicy loh, but SHIOK. hahas. YenZhi and Yiling went toilet. Me and Melissa went to find them. Saw Kelly and Karyi they all. Kelly poked me! I attack back. Wished Karyi, Kelly and Calista luck for their outcoming test then went off.
PC, we had voting. and.... OUR TEAM WON! KeQin named our team bumble bee. lols. Melissa and Yiling were future counsillers. CONGRATS! woohoooo! hahas. Melissa was puzzled cos she din go for the interview. LOLS. Nvm la, maybe tcher thinks shes suitable bahh. CONGRATS! hahas. EWnglish, go through Homework. I was playing with the eraser, cutting it into pieces. Me and Julien. hahahas.Then, we aim at the window and throw it. hahas. I cut myself! At first was not poain la, but after that DAMN PAIN. hahas. Julien so act up. hahahas!She wna tell MrLim. hahas! Science, watched video and learn new topic.
DISMISSED, went canteen. Tried the Malay stall de Hor Fun and fries. The fries was totally no taste. Then we ask the aunty add salt. Then we try. DAMN SALTY. SALTY until like what la. Then we saw Kelly, we go over and ask her try. She try le her face change. hahaha! The hor fun also damn salty la. Tonight, my kidney will fail mann! CHOY! TOUCH WOOD! PUI! lols. So damn salty la. Drink lots of water, still can feel the saltyness. Went notice board sit. Listen music and see Kelly and karyi they all play game. CCJ came. He took photo of Melissa? haha! Went to sleep. 3 plus, went for keyboard. new tcher, miss faye or what. Learnt. Hungry, went canteen eat. Then, went up. Today tcher a bit like.. not happy cos he bring new tcher then no one came.Lols. We had combined singing cum playing keyboard. The new tcher is like, standing in forn of me la. I so damn scared loh. I kept playing wrong. Went to the back, with ZiHui. Melissa also kept playing wrong, she went behind also. haha. Then Yiling too. Went toilet. Melissa told me the story of secret. Hmm. We heard extra footsteps. We like, got scared la. Cos of some reasons. hahas. Went back. Talking about people only, CCJ and that guy de xuan something de. Go hide at the pillar then scare us la. I scolded CCj cos of something he did earlier. EEE! THey followed us to the classroom. Then they went behind Kelly and Karyi. The tcher damn funny la. He say: Erm, please ask your boyfriend sit at one corner first or what la. hahas. I laugh mann! Played. melissa did something funny! hahas!
DISMISSED, follow kelly home. Lols.Walking, told CCJ, eh, Kelly boyfriend leh. Then CCJ pretend to hold Kelly's shoulder. LMAO! At the stairs, the tcher ask CCJ and the xuan something: Do take care of your girls(excluding me wor).hahas. Laugh like mad. Went to take Kelly and Karyi de bag. THen they dun wna return Karyi de file. Got one way, tell CCJ, BU YAO BI WO HOR. hahas. Kelly din know CCJ tell le. woohoo. hahas. LoL. Then Kelly say she write....... WORR. OMG. hahas. Also know what happen the time at KFC. hahas. Kelly kept saying: you wouldn't want to do that. hahas! My lines. Once you say the f***, reply will me: you wouldnt want to do that. hahas! KELLY de banana, Kelly de is DURIAN, got TORNS de. hahaas. CCJ NOTHING. DUN SHOW OFF. I was laughing like siaos. Introducing my ah gong and ah ma: CCJ and that xuan something. haha, They call Kelly jie, Kelly call CCJ papa. hahas. Next to 7/11, at the gate there. They took kelly de phone. They wna go dinner then ask Kelly go. Kelly scream a lot of times la! Cos of tickle. hahas. HSD and dunno who tickle me too! stupid. Met a lot of tcher. Then Mr Zainal come. Then all go. Went 7/11 buy drink. Damn thirsty! Bought slurpee. Before that, Kelly they all playing the game call ji gou ba. Then i down there look. Went 24 hr food court. Kelly phone with HSD. Then i needa finish my drink then can board the bus. Wait wait wait. Kelly and Karyi needa go home study but they still dun wna give back the phone. Then got one cate la. So near us loh. I screamed. Lols. HSD lure the cat to us la. Karyi and i escape. I knocked onto one aunty sia/. SORRY SORRY. HSD slapped me. idiot. At last, those ppl finish their food le(my slurpee still got half). Threw it away and went to the opp side then went home.

Why bitter and sour memories always flash on ones mind? Then where are the good ones? They all vanished? Lols.

sweetness of love-
5:21 AM

Monday, August 13, 2007


Morning, FengLing kana chased by some ppl. hahas. Morning exercise, he had to squat down and up again. Then, we had to shout the number and let the whole school hears. Lols. PE, had 2.4 rerun. I PASSED! woohoo! I chiong all the way loh, but then JUST PASSED. wat de..HAd shuttle run also. JUST PASS also.
Maths, had test. HOPE I PASS! Did the graph.
Dismissed, went KFC to eat. FengFeng treat worr..THANK YOU! Bought Shrooms burger. Saw Kelly they all there studying. YIling headache, she dun wna eat but FengFeng bought her cheese fries and one LARGE drink. lols. That moment, me and Melissa were SIAOs. After eating, YIling's cheese fries was not here yet. So, me and melissa went to check. Yea, Melissa BURPED at the KFC aunty. OMG. I laugh like siaos la. hahaha. Next, me and Melissa went to the board that says student meals blablabla. We were critisising the the tinggy la. Then the uncle stare at us we like... diam diam. hahas. Next, to the mini playground. At first, we were like, go there le dun dare go in. Then after MUCH tries, we like, okay, go liao take out shoes and just sit there. Me, Melissa and YIling. Haven go in liao the KFC uncle chase us away. wat de!!! Then, we wna go disturb Kelly and Karyi de, but they studying we dun dare go. hahas. We were like, siaos. CJ and HSD said something. WHAT THE.. hahas. Melissa suspect CJ taking photos. I went to spy. wahahas. Went behind and see. 3 plus le, we make our way back school. Had IT lesson. Someone make me PISSED!
Walau, how can like that de. Its Yiling's computer at the beginning loh. Yiling is willing to share the com with you its already very good liao loh. No one wants to share with you at first. You're LUCKY. But just because we last week nvr go only then you use her com, log into your account and so this week you needa do the same thing?
Just her luck, the com SPOILED! lols. They gotta use different com and Yiling got a com all by herself! (: Me and Melissa, we gotta hand in all our work next week but Melissa's was halfway done cos some of her stuff is in my acc then some in hers. How leh? HOWHOWHOW? Me and Melissa were siaos again. hahahas. My TOES HURTS! AWWW!
DISMISSED, Me and EngTeng went buy fries. USUAL. THen, went home with XinYuan. hahas. SAME, sat at the busstop and CHAT. lols.

sweetness of love-
3:49 AM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today, went cycling :D
Met Yiling at 10. We went Bishan Girl guides HQ first to buy Yiing's scarf.
Then, went Eunos by MRT, shopshop. Then, went Tao Nan School the bustop to wait for Junie. Ate our Old Chang Kees while waiting. hahas. Next, headed to ECP for cycling! Nonono, first, we meet the HuiFen. Then we headed for cycling. hahas. At first, i was like... duno how to ride the bike like that. hahas. Keep wriggling. hahas. Cycle halfway, WHOOOOOSH! Rain. hahas. Quickly find shelther. Then rain stop le, we continue. Halfway, HEAVY DOWNPOUR mann! hahas. Took a U-turn to the nearest shelther. Waiting for rain to stop, we chatted. Junie pointed to the brake and ask me: What is this? then i reply her: what is this? LMAO. Din really catch what Junie and HuiFen saying. hahas. Me and Yiling was like.. HUH? lolol. Then, only drizzling, we cycle again. Then rain, we dun care, just cycle. hahas. Cycle very long. After that, U-turn back again. This time i CHIONG. hahas. I nearly fell la. HENG ar. lols. Ride pass those puddles of water was like... SO FUN! hahas. Stop halway for a break. Bought mineral water. Sat there talk talk then drink. hahas. Very tired liao. Then, me and Yiling chiong again. hahas. Then got one time up to the slope got thos very slow couple riding the bike la. Then i ring ring they dun wna move then got a lot of people then i dun dare cut. Then got one bike suddenly come to me. Then i Brake and he brake. haha. Then just nice HuiFen behind me only, she also brake. Then end up her brake SPOIL! SORRY! Me and Yiling chiong back to the rental shop. We really chiong all the way lor. hahas. FINALLY, reach le. My leg damn pain la. Then return bike le, we went to the under pass. When we climb the stairs, its like... JIAO RUAN la. We needed the railing to support us. Our legs were wobbly. lols. To the busstop, i drop onto the sit. hahas. Very Very tired. Went PP. Macs to rest. Ate Mc Flurry. Was sooooo TIRED la. We actualy wanted to go shop shop de, but in the end me and Yiling went home. Went the value shop buy my mother things. Waited for bus. Saw people selling addidas clothes, FAKE de. I keep staring la. hahahas. By then, i already in a GONG state liao. My mouth went big, then i was dreaming. hahas. Very TIRED. My today's attire: whole thing PINK(got reason de) then they over there laughing at me. OMG. hahas. Went Eunos with Yiling then to thr MRT home.

Now: butt pain;leg pain DEAD BEAT/

sweetness of love-
5:18 AM

Friday, August 10, 2007

Its just 3 words, isn't it?

why do people always make it so complicated?

sweetness of love-
7:25 AM

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Early in the morning, reached school at 6.20 plus. Some ppl were already in school. Followed Yiling to the toilet to tie her hair. TWO. lols. 6 30 plus, fall in.
Checked uniform and off for the parade. Stood at the parade, STILL. After the national anthem, pledge, song, recollection, ND message and Mr jafaar's TALKING, they gave the dismiss command. Its for paris and i tot for scolar. OMG. i din turn! GOSH. Went to the notice board, took photo. Then, Teeli came and some of us hurried off to meet her for SOME STUFF. hahas. Sang BDAY song for KELLY! hahas. Accompanied Junie and Yiling to the toilet. Junie wna take out photo. We ran off but too bad. hahas. Took: Yiling, Melissa, Junie and me. Then, me and YIling were doing out own thing. Saw the camera and turn away but Yiling din know and SNAP. hahas. Ran into a cubicle to hide. Junie went to change. Then, Junie went off. Followed Yiling off to collect the forms. Then, Me and Karyi went field to look for Kelly. Then, Yiling came to find us. Went with Yiling while Karyi stayed to watch. Passed Kelly's present to Karyi and off to the hall. Concert, was fun(: Saw the performance by GirlGuides and Redcross. RAWKS MANN! hahas. Ended with national day songs. FUN! hahas. DISMISSED, followed XinYuan to 7/11. Waited for Ashley's bus but its so long la. OMG. We went off. Hawker to buy drinks and HOME.
Helped my father paint half of the wall in the living room.
Just my luck, head began to spin after the painting. Then, head damn pain. Vomited twice. WTF. I cried. lols. My mother forbid me to go out with Kelly): SoSad. Told kelly and went of to sleep. Midnight 12, woke up. Miss call from CCJ and two sms from XinYuan and CCJ. Sms-ed for a while and fall asleep again. My bro off the com without me knowing. ><
6 plus, woke up. Was FREEZING. Gonna rain soon. Sms from CCJ, sms him all the way till 8 plus. TERRIBLY HUNGRY. But my tummy was SPINNING. Ate some. 11 plus 12, fall asleep again. Another sms from CCJ. He was eating pasta and in here eating TASTELESS food? WTH! Ate half of my food and Im BLOATED. Cannot finish. Help my father paint the next wall, and chatted with some peeps on MSN. Going out tonight with my family. Gonna miss the NDP show. wtf?!


Came to realised i missed 3 hangouts in just two days. WTH. Yiling, Melissa, MeiChi and YenZhi went out today. They asked me ytd on msn when i was sleeping. ARRGH! Moreover, they went vivo! Played with water! arrgh! Slept at 5plus in the evening. 6 plus, woke up and went out to eat with my family. Cos of my mother, we cant watch the fireworks! Wat de...

sweetness of love-
12:01 AM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Went school early today. Needa borrow Yiling' maths file for corrections. Then, went to walk walk. hahas. I FORCED them. wahahas. Okay la. Morning walk, healthy body mahh. hahas. Stomache today. Its actually MUSCLE ACHE. Cant laugh, or else very pain. hahas.
D&T, test postponed! WoOHoO! Did the wood today. SAW and SAW. My hands were tired la. Gabriel finished cutting the 3 parts and im still at the first one? walao.. So pro. lols.
Maths, funny lesson for today. hahas. And again, TEST POSTPONED! woohoo! wahahas. HAPPY(:
Recess, had LAKSA.
PC, no tcher around. Me, YIling and Melissa started playing. hahas. Me and YIling started giving Melissa commands and she march. Of course, we gave her her favourite command. :D We were having fun la. OMG.
English, did corrections. I din know my ENGLISH SUCK till today. hais. ALmost fell asleep till Melissa came to talk to me. hahas.
Science, did the noticeboard. Last minute work actually(: Anyhow do. Scribble all our greetings. hahas. Im in the NATIONAL DAY MOOD! Kept singing National day songs. wahahas. Nice what. ESP: WHERE I BELONG. yea(: We made TATOOS. Made on the nocice board, Melissa's hand and FengFeng's hand. coool.
DISMISSED, wanted to go MAC, but end up din go. Ate MEE REBUS(: nice! Chat chat for a while. Went back. The smell of dunno what chemical sucks la. so SMELLY! Went wash hand with YIling in the canteen. Went walkwalk and chat chat. Went back notice board. Went toilet. Yiling, dun cry la. Still got me. hahas. Wna give her a lollipop. Stayed in the toilet for a while, went notice board, jalan jalan and back to the toilet. Melissa and Yen Zhi found us and sat with in the toilet. Comforting Yiling and joking. wahahas. YenZhi, dun be foolish? dun cut yourself gurl! Went back noticeboard, slp, listen music. Went up for keyboard. Up halfway, met Teeli. Asked her about SOMETHING. We think and think and think. End up, we got this decision. wahahas. Teeli saw Me and Melissa sharing a lollipop, she was like... eeyer. hahas. Yiling was waiting. PS. AH MA! wahahas. Went up. Kelly came. Went toilet, no. Canteen first. Bought TISSUE? lol. hahas. Waited for Kelly in the toilet then went up. Birthday song again. But this time, HARDER. I kept playing the wrong one la when tcher say play together la. OMG. Sang Bday song for Kelly! wahahas. How tcher know? Cos of the 3 of us. wahahas. (:
DISMISSED, went home with kelly and karyi. HSD and CCJ came along. CCJ de one song damn funny la. I want! So damn funny! OMG. HSD kepot making Kelly scream. hahas. All kana bullied. Helped Kelly take book till she forgot. hahas. Kelly, say thank you? wahahas. She said sorry instead. lol. 7/11 for NERDS. hahas. HSD stepped on my shoe! BLACK liao. TML HOW? lol.
Crossed over and HOME.

sweetness of love-
4:13 AM